
目前顯示的是 12月 19, 2018的文章


Contrabassoon Woodwind instrument Other names double bassoon Kontrafagott (DE) controfagotto (IT) contrebasson (FR) Hornbostel–Sachs classification 422.112–71 (Double-reeded aerophone with keys) Developed Mid 18th century Playing range Written pitch, sounds one octave lower Sounding pitch Related instruments Bassoon Contraforte Tenoroon Dulcian The contrabassoon , also known as the double bassoon, is a larger version of the bassoon, sounding an octave lower. Its technique is similar to its smaller cousin, with a few notable differences. Contents 1 Differences from the bassoon 2 Range, notation and tone 3 History 3.1 Precursors 3.2 Baroque era – present 4 Current use 5 Notable contrabassoons 6 Notable solos and soloists 7 References 8 External links Differences from the bassoon The reed is considerably larger than the bassoon's, at 65–75 mm (2.6–3.0 in) in total length (and 20 

Soprano clarinet

Soprano Clarinet Classification Wind Woodwind Single-reed Playing range Written range: Related instruments Piccolo clarinet Basset clarinet Alto clarinet Bass clarinet Musicians Category:Clarinetists The term soprano clarinet is used occasionally to refer to those instruments from the clarinet family that occupy a higher position, both in pitch and in popularity than subsequent additions to the family such as the basset horns and bass clarinets [ citation needed ] . The B ♭ clarinet is by far the most common type of clarinet and the unmodified word " clarinet " usually refers to this instrument. However, due to a tendency for writers and historians to imitate the terms used to denote instruments in other instrumental 'family groups' the term soprano is sometimes used to apply not only to the B ♭ clarinet but also to the clarinets in A and C, sounding respectively a semitone lower and a whole tone higher than the B ♭ instrume

Reprezentacja Związku Radzieckiego w piłce nożnej mężczyzn

Związek Radziecki Советский Союз Przydomek ang. Red Army (w krajach kapitalistycznych) Związek Fiedieracija futboła SSSR (Федерация футбола СССР) Skrót FIFA URS Zawodnicy Najwięcej występów Oleg Błochin ( 112 ) Najwięcej bramek Oleg Błochin ( 42 ) Stroje domowe Stroje wyjazdowe Mecze Pierwszy mecz   ZSRR 3:0 Turcja   (Moskwa; 16 listopada 1924) Najwyższe zwycięstwo   ZSRR 11:1 Indie   (Dinamo, Moskwa; 16 września 1955) Najwyższa porażka   Anglia 5:0 ZSRR   (Wembley, Londyn; 22 października 1958) Medale Igrzyska olimpijskie 1956, 1988 1972, 1976, 1980 Mistrzostwa Europy 1960 1964, 1972, 1988 Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons Reprezentacja Związku Radzieckiego w piłce nożnej mężczyzn – drużyna reprezentująca ZSRR w międzynarodowych meczach i turniejach piłkarskich. Funkcjonowała w latach 1922–1991. W barwach reprezentacji ZSRR gra